[Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from Washington D.C, United States, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Comer Says Hunter Biden Shared One Of Joe’s Classified Docs With ‘Business Partners’

A former Biden aide has outed another Biden secret, indicating during an interview with the House Oversight Committee that the president’s team knew they illegally held classified materials at the Penn Biden Center much earlier than they acknowledged to the American public.

The think tank has come under scrutiny after it was revealed that a large portion of its funding came from China and was facilitated by the president’s troubled son, Hunter Biden. 

Just The News reports, “The Biden White House had said previously that a lawyer clearing out Biden’s old office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington had discovered materials marked classified inside a closet in November 2022. Chung’s testimony indicated that Biden had stored classified materials at multiple locations in Washington, D.C., and that his team had been aware of them for months prior to the November ‘discovery.’

Rep. James Comer released a statement on the new information based on transcriptions from an interview with Kathy Chung, who served as assistant to Joe Biden when he was Vice President:

“I thank Kathy Chung for her cooperation with the Oversight Committee’s investigation into President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents. She provided startling information that undermines the Biden White House’s narrative on the matter.

“Today we learned that when Joe Biden left the vice presidency, boxes containing classified documents, vice presidential records, and other items were stored in three different locations around the Washington, D.C. area, including an office near the White House, an office in Chinatown, and eventually the Penn Biden Center. At some point, the boxes containing classified materials were transported by personal vehicles to an office location. The boxes were not in a ‘locked closet’ at the Penn Biden Center and remained accessible to Penn Biden employees as well as potentially others with access to the office space. We need to find out who had access to these documents.

“We also learned today that then-White House Counsel Dana Remus tasked Kathy Chung with retrieving these boxes from the Penn Biden Center as early as May 2022. This story does not begin in November 2022, as represented by President Biden’s attorney.

More concerning to Comer is the fact that it appears that Hunter Biden sent one of the classified documents to a “partner” at Burisma, the Ukrainian energy. It has previously been reported that many of the boxes holding classified documents were connected to Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom. 

Comer has recently told Fox Business that he has concerns about the Biden Family’s “influence peddling.” The Oversight Chairman believes the classified documents and the payments might be connected. 

“We don’t the know the true extent of what he [Joe Biden] has done,” Comer said. “All we know is he had classified documents scattered all over the place dating back to the time as U.S. senator.”

“There is one document in particular that I can tell you from my investigation of Biden family influence peddling that we are very concerned about with respect to the document that Hunter Biden sent to officials at Burisma in Ukraine,” Comer said.

“It was a government document. We are concerned that it may have been one of the classified documents,” he added

Breitbart noted that “in 2017, Hunter was paid $83,000 per month to be on the board of Burisma. He was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014 with no prior experience in the energy sector or Ukraine. In 2015, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma. In 2017, Hunter’s salary was cut in half when Joe Biden left the White House as then-Vice President, having himself visited Ukraine six times in seven years.

Critics of the Biden family have suspected a connection between the family’s foreign business dealings and classified info. But Comer’s concern, if proven true, would be politically devastating for Joe Biden, who is riddled with political scandal.”

We do know two things for sure: several Biden family members, including his teacher daughter-in-law, received thousands of dollars from foreign organizations over the past decade, and Hunter Biden demanded a key to the Penn think tank where many of the classified documents were discovered by investigators.

Comer said that in “the coming days, the Oversight Committee will follow up with persons of interest in this investigation.”

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

[Read More: Cabinet Member Suggests Biden Ready To Ignore The Rule of Law]