[Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Former GOP Rep. Endorsed By Trump Turns To Helping Hunter After Losing His Seat

Former Virginia Republican Congressman Denver Riggleman announced earlier in the week that he has switched sides. He’s now working with Hunter Biden’s legal team to discredit information, already confirmed by several experts, found on a laptop the president’s son abandoned at a computer store. The contents of the device reveal Hunter Biden in various compromised photos and contain emails that appear to implicate the president in some of his son’s shady business dealings. 

In 2019 the FBI authenticated the findings, and so have many news outlets since.

Riggleman’s work with Hunter Biden is focused on assessing data issues, and he has assisted Biden’s lawyers as they contend with congressional inquiries and evaluate GOP claims made about his conduct, according to three people with knowledge of the Biden legal team, writes CBS News.

“Denver has been assisting us with data analysis since late last year,” Morris said in a statement to CBS News. “He is an invaluable resource and we have made tremendous strides in untangling the massive amount of corruption and disinformation involved in this story. There will be much more coming to the public.”

Riggleman’s efforts have brought him into Hunter Biden’s circle, and he has also provided the president’s son with insights into House Republicans and their methods, those with knowledge of the Biden legal team said.

On Monday, they said, Riggleman was at the Four Seasons hotel in Washington, D.C., for a meeting with Hunter Biden’s lawyers. And on Tuesday evening, he was at the White House as one of the members of the Hunter Biden team invited to celebrate the July Fourth holiday.

The Republican turncoat tweeted: 

Trying to hide Hunter’s laptop has been an all-hands-on-deck moment for Democrats. The now-infamous laptop provided the basis for The New York Post’s “bombshell October 2020 reports on the now-53-year-old first son trading on the Biden family name for lucrative business opportunities abroad, including in Ukraine and China.

Soon after the first stories were published, 51 former intelligence officials tried to discredit the laptop, saying in a signed letter that its contents had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

But text messages, emails, photos and financial documents found on the laptop’s hard drive that formed the substance of The Post’s reporting were confirmed as authentic nearly two years later by The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Former CIA Director Mike Morell also testified to the House Judiciary Committee in April that the intelligence officials’ letter had been inspired by then-Biden campaign official Antony Blinken, the current secretary of state.”

Riggleman’s announcement reveals yet another example of a Donald-Trump endorsement gone sour. In December 2019, the then-president backed Riggleman in his primary against conservative Bob Good after the congressman got into hot water with local Republicans for officiating a same-sex wedding. 

Trump tweeted Riggleman is a “true conservative leader who has done a great job for Virginia, and will support our #MAGA Agenda.”

Several endorsements from Trump have blown up in the faces of conservatives seeking to take control of Washington. Luckily, 

despite voting against impeachment, Riggleman was tossed out of Congress by conservative activists and replaced by Republican Bob Good. 

The contrast between Good and Riggleman could not be more stark. 

While Riggleman gets paid by the Bidens to hide information from the laptop, Representative Good has spoken out against what he’s labeled “The Biden Crime Family.” 

Last month, Good called out corruption from the White House, saying “that the information in the memo contradicts Biden’s claims to have never been involved with his son Hunter’s business dealings.

“We need Democrats to be statesmen,” Good continued. “And to speak up and spoke out about what they’ve seen. We have a President that is compromised and especially as it relates to foreign policy, as indicated apparently by this memo.”

The Virginia representative also called out the “sweetheart deal” that the president’s son received in June, accusing “Attorney General Merrick Garland of being ‘compromised and politicized,’ telling Axios he is more concerned with accusations of wrongful business dealings with foreign entities and feels ‘Hunter’s apparent gun and tax crimes are a diversion from the real issues.'” 

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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