[Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Biden DOJ Trying To Jail Prime Witness Against Hunter

It’s hard to consider Joe Biden as the corrupt boss of a Delaware political machine who’s somehow become president because even his most ardent supporters would likely tell you that he’s just not that smart of a man. Over his five-decade career in politics, the sitting president has routinely made such an ass of himself that it’s hard to remember that he’s been holding power for over 50 years–something a bumbling idiot does not do. 

Since taking power, Biden has deployed his political boss skills, leveraging power to attack enemies, something he’s allegedly been doing since the 1970s, and shutting down critics. 

His latest cynical and corrupt move, however, might take the cake. Last week, New Conservative Post discussed the White House’s nightmare witness. “On July 31, one of Hunter’s close business associates and a close friend is going to testify under oath that the president of the United States has been lying to the public. At least three previously planned dispositions by Devon Archer were canceled for personal reasons, but now he’ll take the stand.”

Archer is scheduled to prove that Biden has been lying to the public when he says that he had no involvement with any of his son Hunter’s shady business deals. He is scheduled to tell the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.

That is if Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice doesn’t throw him in jail first to shut him up. 

The National Review reports that “The Department of Justice on Saturday moved for Hunter Biden’s former business associate to be sent to prison on charges unrelated to the scandals of the president’s son, just two days before high-exposure testimony before a House committee.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York sent a letter to judge Ronnie Abrams, asking her to schedule a date for Devon Archer, a longtime Hunter Biden business partner, to report to prison. A few days earlier, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed that Archer would serve a one-year sentence in a case of fraud, which he was convicted of in 2018.

Archer is slated to testify to the House Oversight Committee, chaired by Republican representative James Comer, on Monday about his business dealings with Hunter Biden. The committee subpoenaed him in June. He is expected to shed light on the extent of President Biden’s alleged involvement with Hunter’s business engagements when Joe Biden was vice president, between 2009 and 2017.

Archer’s lawyer played nice, saying that he and his client disagree with “speculation” that Biden is trying to jail him before his testimony. However, the push to file the paperwork over the weekend to put him in jail on Monday to prevent his testimony seems obvious, especially in light of reports that Hunter’s former best friend and business partner was in hiding due to a threat on his life. 

In an exclusiveThe Daily Mail quoted a source claiming that “Hunter’s former Rosemont Seneca consultancy partner has been concerned for his and his family’s safety in the days after his planned testimony was announced.

There were reports that he was canceling his appearance. They’re not true, he’s not canceling. But he has gotten threats, and he’s concerned about the threats,’ the source said.

‘His family has received threats. He doesn’t know who from. But you don’t have to be Dick Tracy to figure that out.’

His wife Krista told DailyMail.com at their Brooklyn townhouse: ‘He’s not here. He’s not at our other home. He’s not in D.C.’ but she wouldn’t reveal where he is.”

James Comer, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee that subpoenaed Archer in June said, “It’s odd that it was issued on a Saturday, and it’s odd that it’s right before he’s scheduled to come in to have an opportunity to speak in front of the House Oversight Committee and tell the American people the truth about what really went on with Burisma.” 

He added, “The lengths to which the Biden legal team has gone to try to intimidate our witnesses, to coordinate with the Department of Justice, and to certainly coordinate with the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee to encourage people not to cooperate with our investigation, to encourage banks not to turn over bank records, to encourage Treasury not to let us have access to those suspicious activity reports. It’s very troubling. And I believe that…this is another violation of the law. This is obstruction of justice.”

Other Republicans were less diplomatic.   

Rep. Matt Gaetz agreed with Comer that Biden appeared to be trying to obstruct justice. 

Senator Rand Paul warned that Biden was moving the United States to banana republic territory. 

 Last week, despite initial expectations he would plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors charges as part of a sweetheart plea deal, Hunter Biden instead submitted a not-guilty plea after a judge questioned by the DOJ was giving the president’s son a blanket immunity deal for crimes associated with Archer’s forthcoming testimony.

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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