[U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

House Republicans Cave Again

A few days after eight Republicans in the House sided with Biden to protect Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas from impeachment, 45 of them sided with Democrats to protect an administration official who’s been accused of “largest child trafficking ring in American history.”

With allies like these, who needs opponents? 

The Center Square has been monitoring this story closely and writes:

After debate on Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Arizona, filed an amendment on Wednesday using the Holman Rule to remove Robin Dunn Marcos, director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Under the Biden administration, Marcos oversees ORR’s scandal-plagued Unaccompanied Children Program, which has funneled an unprecedented number of unaccompanied minors (UAC) into the U.S., arriving at the southern and northern borders. ORR is responsible for vetting sponsors and placing UACs in homes and facilities nationwide.

The Holman Rule allows Congress to reduce a federal employee’s salary, fire specific federal employees, or cut specific programs. 

The U.S. House is considering fiscal year 2024 appropriations measures in HR 5894 to fund the departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and related agencies. Of the several amendments proposed, Biggs’ Part B Amendment No. 86 failed by a vote of 173-254 with the help of 45 Republicans.

Multiple federal and state investigations have found serious deficiencies of ORR oversight, including allegations of sexual abuse of children in HHS/ORR-contracted facilities and losing track of UACs once they are in the U.S. Several investigative reports identified over 100,000 children ORR can’t account for within a certain timeframe, meaning the number is likely higher. 

Earlier in the year, The New York Times reported on the massive incompetence of the Biden Administration and its losing tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors who came through the southern border. 

“The number of unaccompanied minors entering the United States climbed to a high of 130,000 last year — three times what it was five years earlier — and this summer is expected to bring another wave.

These are not children who have stolen into the country undetected. The federal government knows they are in the United States, and the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for ensuring sponsors will support them and protect them from trafficking or exploitation.

But as more and more children have arrived, the Biden White House has ramped up demands on staffers to move the children quickly out of shelters and release them to adults. Caseworkers say they rush through vetting sponsors.

While H.H.S. checks on all minors by calling them a month after they begin living with their sponsors, data obtained by The Times showed that over the last two years, the agency could not reach more than 85,000 children. Overall, the agency lost immediate contact with a third of migrant children.”

When Marcos was questioned by Senator Josh Hawley over missing children, she stunned the room by shrugging about the reports of thousands of children being released by the Biden Department of Health and Services to labor and sex traffickers. 

Some have labeled the current policy by Biden as a “shocking” and “facilitating modern slavery.”

In a follow-up story months after the bombshell report by the Times, the newspaper noted that the “White House and federal agencies were repeatedly alerted to signs of children at risk. The warnings were ignored or missed….Again and again, veteran government staffers and outside contractors told the Health and Human Services Department, including in reports that reached Secretary Xavier Becerra, that children appeared to be at risk. The Labor Department put out news releases noting an increase in child labor. Senior White House aides were shown evidence of exploitation, such as clusters of migrant children who had been found working with industrial equipment or caustic chemicals.

As the administration scrambled to clear shelters that were strained beyond capacity, children were released with little support to sponsors who expected them to take on grueling, dangerous jobs.”

Biden couldn’t lift his finger and replace the head of the person spurring this travesty, and neither could 45 Republicans in the House. Shame on all of them.

[Read More: Biden Names A Potential Successor]