[U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

FBI Believes Pro-Lifers Are More Dangerous Than Terrorists

Since Joe Biden took office, the FBI has been focused on targeting his enemies under the guise of “protecting America from white supremacy.” Whether they attempted to spy on traditional Catholics who prefer Latin Mass or sent SWAT teams to kick down the doors of pro-life activists and censor Americans, it’s become clear that the FBI has become captured by leftwing radicals who struggle to discern political disagreement with violence. 

Now, an insider at the Bureau claims that the FBI believes pro-lifers are more dangerous than radical Islam. To justify its actions against social conservatives, the DOJ relies on the left’s favorite smear machine: The Southern Poverty Law Center. 

The FBI trained personnel on countering extremism with material from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), according to former special agent turned whistleblower Steve Friend, writes The Federalist.

In an interview with the Tennessee Informer last month, Friend recalled his experience at the FBI Academy in 2014: “We were shown a video that was produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center.” The film, Friend said, “ranked people who oppose abortion, pro-life activists, as a greater threat than Islamists.”

“I don’t know if they still show that,” Friend added, “but that’s what we were shown.”

The FBI still relies on SPLC material a decade later, leading a pair of top Republican senators to demand the agency sever ties with the leftist hate group that routinely smears right-of-center associations as “hate groups.” SPLC’s false “hate group” designations led to a domestic terrorist attack in 2012 on the offices of a pro-family organization.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, once a pivotal player in the civil rights movement, long ago became a party apparatchik of the Democratic Party, using its clout to create a “Hate List” in which it identifies conservative organizations as “hate groups” and “extremists” in an effort to attack critics and make them guilty by association with KKK members. 

A perfect example of how this works recently happened to the online Twitter account “LibsofTikTok,” a popular account on the social media platform that typically reposts videos made by leftwing activists, often working as teachers, to reveal how radical they have become.  

Earlier in the month, the SLPC placed her on the “Lost of Hate Extremists,” writing, “Chaya Raichik is the founder of the social media account @LibsofTikTok (LTT) who helped revive in right-wing propaganda the anti-LGBTQ+ “groomer” slur, which implies that all LGBTQ+ people are pedophiles. She spreads the anti-LGBTQ+ conspiracy theory that “groomers” have infiltrated every social institution with the intent of “sexualizing” children. Under the LTT pseudonym, Raichik originally shared content intended to humiliate and intimidate LGBTQ+ content creators.”

LibsofTikTok posts things like the following:

The announcement from the Center then gets pushed out to liberal media outlets and organizations, which ran breathless stories deeming Raichik “an extremist.”

For example, the LGBTQ group Human Rights Campaign released a press statement in which it repeated the slander in order to attack and discredit her. So did The Advocate, a LGBTQ media outlet and the liberal outlet The Daily Beast. Both rely less on what LibsofTikTok does and more on the way the SPLC claims she does.  

The SPLC has done this to several other conservative commentators and outlets, including Tucker Carlson and other members of Trump’s inner circle. 

Over the past few months, the SPLC has become the vanguard for shielding liberal antisemitism. The Federalist explained that “The Southern Poverty Law Center Union unequivocally declared support for the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip last week when it accused Israel of genocide for retaliating against the terrorists who massacred 1400 Israelis and more than two dozen Americans and took hundreds more hostage.

SPLC previously refused to tell The Federalist whether it had plans to designate the left-wing organizations like Black Lives Matter and Democratic Socialists of America that responded positively to Hamas’ massacre in Israel as ‘hate groups.’

Days later, the organization’s union, which is comprised of a “supermajority of employees spanning SPLC’s 11 offices across five states and Washington, D.C.,” said in a post on X that it “stands strongly in solidarity with the Palestinian people.”

More importantly, the SPLC Union claimed to have taken up the mantle of Gaza because it believes Israel is to blame for the violence and destruction plaguing the Middle East.

‘What we see in Gaza is the violent imperialist desecration of a people – the beginnings of a genocide,’ the union’s officers and stewards wrote.”

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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