[Staff of Rep. Ilhan Omar, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Caught, In Big Time Trouble

On Wednesday, House Republicans held another investigation of the growing antisemitism on college campuses, focusing on Columbia University, an Ivy League university where students can’t spell. During the questioning of Columbia’s president, Minnesota Democrat tried to downplay the anti-Jewish protests on campus by using a manipulative question that allowed the Ivy League administrator to agree with her. 

Eventually, President Minouche Shafik was forced to change her testimony in an embarrassing way after other Columbia professors, also testifying, contradicted her testimony following questioning from Elise Stefanik. 

Now, it appears that Omar may have not only been working to downplay the bigotry at Columbia because of her antisemitic hatred for Israel, but also because her college-student daughter was a ringleader of the “protests” at the university. 

Isra Hirsi, Omar’s daughter, announced on Thursday that she has been suspended from Barnard College over her involvement in anti-Israel protests on Columbia University’s campus, writes The New York Post. Barnard is the sister school to Columbia.

“I’m an organizer with CU Apartheid Divest @ColumbiaSJP, in my 3 years at @BarnardCollege I have never been reprimanded or received any disciplinary warnings,” the 21-year-old wrote on X.

“I just received notice that I am 1 of 3 students suspended for standing in solidarity with Palestinians facing a genocide.”

Hirsi and the two other students – identified as Maryam Iqbal and Soph Dinu — received notice of their suspension from Barnard Dean, Leslie Grinage, first thing Thursday morning, the Apartheid Divest said in a statement.

“This decision is based on information received from Columbia University Public Safety that you have been involved in an unauthorized encampment on the Columbia University campus and you have not ceased participation in this unauthorized encampment despite repeated requests from Barnard and Columbia on April 17, 2024 that you do so,” the dean’s email read, according to the student group.

The privileged peers protesting alongside Hirsi have gotten so used to college administrators letting them do whatever they want that they seemed surprised when they received news of their suspension.   

These are the protestors that Omar said were not anti-Jewish.

The rebuke from her colleagues may have helped Shafik changed her mind. On Thursday, she finally gave the go ahead to NYPD to clear the campus of the apparent antisemites taking over campus. 

CNN reported, “At least 30 people were detained by New York Police Department officers, CNN witnessed, as police entered Columbia University on Thursday to disperse a pro-Palestinian protest that began a day earlier as the university’s president testified before a House committee about the school’s response to antisemitism.

Columbia President Nemat “Minouche” Shafik was in Washington, DC, testifying to the House education committee, as the protesters – including students, faculty and others – gathered in upper Manhattan early Wednesday morning, setting up tents and signs.

Several people waving Palestinian flags had verbal confrontations with police officers, who had begun boxing the protesters in with barricades, CNN affiliate WCBS reported WednesdayIn video from WCBS, pro-Palestinian protesters could be seen clashing with police and some had lit small fires. One woman could be seen being led away in handcuffs.

Four people were arrested overnight during protests at Columbia, the NYPD said. Police did not specify what charges were filed and gave no additional details about the arrests.”

The Columbia president wrote, “The actions of these individuals are in violation of University rules and policies. The University provided multiple notices and warnings and informed the encampment participants that they must disperse or face immediate discipline.”

There has not been reporting on whether or not Omar’s daughter was one of those arrested. 

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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