[The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

GOP Preparing To Hold Trump Speech From Jail

As Trump continues to lead in the polls despite receiving a guilty verdict, Democrats continue to reveal that the entire point of the case was not justice but politics.

No one has proved that better than Eric Swalwell. The California congressman, who allegedly had a sexual affair with a Chinese spy while serving on the Intelligence Committee, needed to be gaveled down during a committee hearing on Tuesday, reported The Daily Caller..

“Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan slammed his gavel as his Democratic colleague named every country former President Donald Trump cannot enter as a felon during a Tuesday hearing with U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell accused Republicans of being in a “cult” due to their support for former President Donald Trump, who recently became a convicted felon as a result of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against him. Jordan proclaimed that Swalwell’s time had expired as Swalwell listed countries Trump cannot enter due to his felony status.”

Swalwell’s clownish display followed the heels of James Comey declaring that it would be easy to jail Donald Trump for the rest of the 2024 campaign.

In response to the liberal lawfare launched to help Biden, the GOP is preparing for all contingencies to block Democratic attempts to influence the election.

The Washington Examiner noted that Republicans are planning for the former president to deliver planned remarks for the convention, even if that means from prison.

During an interview Tuesday, Newsmax host Rob Finnerty pressed Whatley on whether the RNC had contingency plans for Trump’s acceptance speech in the event Trump is sentenced to jail time. Following his guilty verdict last week, Judge Juan Merchan has scheduled sentencing for July 11, four days before the convention.

“Let’s say Trump is behind bars. And again, it is a possibility. Would he make a speech from prison?” Finnerty asked. “Would he make a speech before sentencing day? Just something that you could play during the RNC? Are those contingencies being thought about, considered, and planned for?”

“Everything is being thought about. Everything is being considered,” Whatley replied.  

“At this point in time, we will have to wait and see kind of what the courts present us with the opportunity to do,” he added. “But look, Donald Trump will communicate directly with the American voters the way that he always does.”

Although Trump has said that he’s prepared to go to jail, he also thinks that the public will not stand for such an obvious attempt to thwart American democracy.

“I’m OK with it,” Trump told Fox News in an interview that aired Sunday when asked about the potential punishments. “I saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, ‘Oh no, you don’t want to do that to the president.’ I said: You don’t beg for anything.”

But, Trump added, “I don’t think the public would stand it. I’m not sure the public would stand for it.”

“I think it would be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there’s a breaking point,” Trump said.

The former president is scheduled for sentencing on July 11, four days before Republicans gather to formally choose their presidential nominee in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Reuters stated that “prison time is rare for people convicted in New York state of felony falsification of business records, the charge Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, faced at his trial. The maximum sentence for such a charge is four years imprisonment.

To succeed on appeal, Trump, 77, must demonstrate that Justice Juan Merchan made significant errors overseeing the trial.

His lawyers have said they expect to take the case to the Supreme Court. On Sunday, Trump, who tried to disqualify Merchan from the case, repeated allegations of bias by the judge and the district attorney who prosecuted the case.”

They likely have a good case. The judge had previously donated to Joe Biden and his daughter works to elect Democrats. Furthermore, one of the lead prosecutors of the case left a high-level job in the Biden Department of Justice for a supporting role with the Manhattan district attorney. He’d previously been on the payroll of the Democratic Party.

During the trial, the judge refused to let an expert witness testify on Trump’s defense and gave such strange jury instructions that other liberal lawyers called him out for prejudice and “contorting the law.”

On the other side of the coin, however, the judge’s radical bias also means it would not be surprising if he sentences Trump to jail. Such a move would prevent the former president from campaigning during a pivotal portion of the campaign while the appeal works its way through the court, drastically helping Biden’s reelection chances.

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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