[Piotr VaGla Waglowski, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Report: Biden Tried To Censor Stories About Him He Didn’t Like

President Biden and his staff have a long history of promoting censorship of stories and outlets they dislike. More disappointing, many mainstream journalists were all too happy to go along with the scheme. 

Many of the attempts to block the truth from coming out came while Biden served as vice president. American Greatness reports, “Newly-released records from the National Archives prove that attempts to bury any negative stories about the Biden family began long before the 2020 election, and even predate efforts to suppress the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story.

As reported by Just The News, the emails in question were released as the result of a lawsuit filed by the nonprofit group America First Legal. The emails date back to the Obama Administration, in the year 2015. In one email, an aide to then-Vice President Joe Biden claimed that she convinced a reporter to “only use” negative information on the Biden family “if her editors hold a gun to her head.”

Others in Biden’s office at the time actively worked to censor negative stories surrounding Hunter Biddn’s involvement with the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, especially in the context of Vice President Biden’s trip to Ukraine in December of 2015. At that time, Joe Biden himself personally approved quotes to address the matter of his son’s foreign business deals, even though Biden has since tried to claim that he was unaware of Hunter’s activities.

As the Biden family faces numerous investigations from the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, Hunter Biden’s affiliation with Burisma remains at the heart of the corruption scandal. Most infamously, then-Vice President Biden threatened then-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko as then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin began an investigation into Burisma, a probe which would have eventually involved Hunter. Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of American aid to Ukraine unless Poroshenko fired Shokin, which he ultimately did.”

Bombshell: The President Directly Named In Hunter’s Shady Business Email

Jonathan Turley explained how the Biden house of cards is beginning to crumble despite the media playing along with the lie. “For years, President Joe Biden has maintained a Sgt. Schultz defense to allegations that his family has profiteered on influence peddling with foreign countries and companies. Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, Biden maintains that he ‘knows nothing, nothing’ about Hunter Biden’s business deals. He recently doubled down on this defense by even denying that family members received money from foreign sources. He repeated his denial even after the release of financial transfer reports from his own administration showing millions transferred from China. Now, emails have emerged that show that Biden personally helped draft responses to the controversial deals in 2015 when he was Vice President. It also appears that Biden officials like former Biden Communications Director Kate Bedingfield knew of his role as the President continued to deny any involvement.

The National Archives has released emails that show that then-Vice President Joe Biden approved an official statement in December 2015 about Hunter Biden’s position on a Ukrainian energy company’s board.

For years, the media has continued to report President Biden’s repeated claim that ‘I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.’ At the outset, the media only had to suspend any disbelief that the president could fly to China as Vice President with his son on Air Force 2 without discussing his planned business dealings on the trip.

Of course, the emails on the laptop quickly refuted this claim. However, the media buried the laptop story before the election or pushed the false claim that it was fake Russian disinformation.”

Biden Accused Of ‘Epic Money Laundering’ As Hunter’s ‘Rent’ To Him Gets Noticed

The censorship regime has only gotten worse since Biden took control of the White House and has even included exerting pressure on companies that are supposed to provide private, secure messaging. 

Everything revolves around Democrats maintaining power.

David Zweig writes that “as early as January 26, 2021, almost immediately after Biden took office, communications between the White House and Meta were underway regarding content moderation. Of specific concern was vaccine hesitancy and how Meta would combat this across its multiple platforms, including Facebook and Instagram. But amid the copious correspondence that I reviewed about those platforms, something jumped out at me: repeated queries about another Meta property, WhatsApp, a service designed for private messaging.

Like at Twitter, the moderation campaigns at Facebook and Instagram were conducted because of their technical feasibility and the inherent social nature of the platforms—posts are public and Meta could use various methods to monitor and suppress them. But WhatsApp is fundamentally different. It is not designed for people to build an audience or to share content widely. Rather, it is used for direct, personal communications—between family, friends, a doctor and a patient, and so on. According to Meta, 90% of WhatsApp messages are from one person to another. And groups typically have fewer than 10 people.

Questioning Meta executives about what actions could be taken on a service that people use specifically for private communications is a striking departure from other efforts.”

In multiple emails, as early as March 2021, Rob Flaherty, the Biden White House’s Director of Digital Strategy, pressed Meta executives to tell him what interventions the company had taken on WhatsApp.

Flaherty wanted to know what they were doing to reduce harm on the messaging app. Seemingly dissatisfied with earlier explanations, on March 22, 2021, he wrote, ‘If you can’t see the message, I’m genuinely curious—how do you know what kinds of messages you’ve cut down on?’

Fox News noted that the emails Zweig, an independent journalist, obtained came “through discovery from the ongoing Missouri v Biden legal battle,” which involves the question of whether or not the federal government can “force Americans to undergo a medical procedure at their demand.”

Zweig stressed that unlike Facebook and Instagram, both of which are owned by Meta, WhatsApp is an encrypted direct messaging platform, Citing Meta, “90% of WhatsApp messages are from one person to another. And groups typically have fewer than 10 people,” Fox News explained

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

[Read More: Biden Resigned To Keeping Kamala]