[Office of Senator Elizabeth Warren, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Class Warrior, Wealthy Politician Elizabeth Warren Announces She’s Running For Another Term

Elizabeth Warren did not win the White House in 2020, but she still likes being in charge. The Massachusetts senator announced that she will be seeking a third term in the United States Senate in 2024. 

The Daily Caller reported that she said, “I first ran for the Senate because I saw how the system is rigged for the rich and the powerful and against everyone else, and I won because Massachusetts voters know it too. And now I’m running for Senate again, because there’s a lot more we’ve got to do,” Warren, who was worth as much as $10 million in the months before launching her 2020 presidential campaign.

Warren finished third in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary delegate count, behind now-President Joe Biden and Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. She dropped out after finishing third in her home state’s primary.

Warren currently chairs the Senate Banking Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Policy. Despite making a career of inveighing against wealthy elites, the former Harvard Law professor has increased her net worth by millions of dollars since entering the Senate in 2013. She received more than $980,000 in advances from the publisher Macmillan Publishing Group LLC for her 2021 books “Persist” and “Pinkie Promise,” Business Insider reported.

“We’ve seen the powerful forces against us and how extreme the Republicans are. But the last ten years have taught us that when we organize, when we hold those in power accountable, when we fight righteous fights, then we can make positive change,” she continued.

Despite having a falling out with Vice President Kamala Harris, Senator Warren has enjoyed having significant influence over Joe Biden’s presidency. Warren played a key role in changing the White House’s stance on forgiving student loans, an issue that mostly impacts liberal-leaning children of the upper class. 

Fox News noted that “Warren fed some speculation that she may be planning a repeat presidential campaign in February when she declined to endorse Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for 2024.

Warren stopped short of endorsing Harris as Biden’s 2024 running mate during a January interview on Boston Public Radio. The radio host asked the senator if Harris should be Biden’s running mate if he were to run for re-election in 2024.

‘I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team,’ Warren said. ‘I’ve known Kamala for a long time. I like Kamala. I knew her back when she was an attorney general and I was still teaching, and we worked on the housing crisis together, so we go way back. But they need — they have to be a team, and my sense is they are — I don’t mean that by suggesting I think there are any problems. I think they are.'”

Despite offering support for the wealthy, mostly Democratic deposit holders in Silicon Valley Bank, Warren recently pretended to care about the working class and attacked the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. 

Politico described the scene: 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.): “Chair Powell, if you could speak directly to the 2 million hardworking people who have decent jobs today who you’re planning to get fired over the next year, what would you say to them? How would you explain your view that they need to lose their jobs?”

Powell: “I would explain to people more broadly that inflation is extremely high, and it’s hurting the working people of this country badly — all of them. Not just 2 million, but all of them are suffering under high inflation, and we are taking the only measures we have to bring inflation down.”

Warren: “And putting 2 million people out of work is just part of the cost, and they just have to bear it?”

Powell: “Will working people be better off, if we just walk away from our jobs and inflation remains 5, 6 percent?”

The class warrior from Massachusetts did not have a good answer, but at least she’s going to have six more years to think about it. 

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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