[U.S. Department of Energy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Calls For Biden Cabinet Member To Resign Over ‘Ethical Lapses’

Over a dozen conservative watchdog groups are demanding the resignation of Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm over her “repeated ethical lapses” while serving in Joe Biden’s cabinet. 

“Granholm has faced significant scrutiny since assuming office in 2021 as the top official in the Energy Department from Republicans, who have alleged the former Democratic Michigan governor has failed to follow federal laws surrounding ethics. A coalition of right-leaning organizations wrote a five-page letter to Biden on Tuesday that alleged Granholm has ‘disregarded and de-prioritized her ethics obligations at every turn,” citing a handful of examples, and requested the secretary’s ‘immediate resignation,'” writes The Washington Examiner.

The letter is a laundry list of alleged corruption that has become common under Biden’s leadership. 

“Secretary Granholm has disregarded and de-prioritized her ethics obligations at every turn. The litany of abuses of public trust are extensive:

• Failing to accurately report financial holdings,

• Participating personally and substantially in matters directly benefiting a company in which she had a financial interest,

• Inappropriately using her official position to promote products for multiple companies in which she had a financial interest or covered relationship,

• Abusing her position of authority and misusing government resources to advance partisan activities in violation of the Hatch Act,

• Signaling to career civil servants and senior political leadership under her command that policy objectives take priority over basic compliance with ethics and legal obligations. 

Since Ms. Granholm’s responses to these allegations have often relied on some variation of “it wasn’t my fault,” this has left the American public wondering where exactly the buck stops in your administration. Since you took office, your administration has continually touted its commitment to ethics, with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, for instance, declaring that you are ‘committed to ensuring we have the most ethically vigorous administration in history.’ The current moment presents an opportunity to demonstrate to the American public that such pronouncements have meaning and do not merely pay lip-service to a very important aspect of your leadership tenure.” 

The letter also mentions the recent deal between the Department of Energy and Ford Motor Company that left some people raising their eyebrows and union leaders enraged. 

“The recent revelations about Secretary Granholm’s continued financial ownership of Ford stock while acting to enrich – and at times even publicly endorse – the company is egregious. However, it is simply the latest incident evidencing recklessness at best and intentional disregard for the law at worst. Prior to becoming Secretary, Ms. Granholm served on the board of Proterra. So her decision to announce $199 million of federal funding to firms tied to Proterra WHILE standing in front of the company’s premier product, an electric bus, shows no concern for appearances, the law, or your administration’s commitment to uphold an ethical culture. This incident was the subject of Congressional questioning of the DOE Inspector General during a hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. 

More recent disclosures by the Secretary reveal her transgressions related to this matter were even more direct and flagrant. Not only did she participate in the SuperTruck 3 program that awarded millions to firms related to Proterra, but one of those firms, Ford Motor Company, received nearly $25 million from this program while her husband owned stock in Ford. In addition to her casual approach to conflicts of interest, the Office of the Special Counsel found that Secretary Granholm violated the Hatch Act in an October 2021 interview.” 

Early in her tenure as Secretary of Energy, Granholm made a huge payday when she sold stock in Proterra, an electic bus company. After Proterra’s CEO was appointed by Joe Biden to the Export Council in February, the president said that the EV company would play a pivotal role in America “owning the future.” 

Last week, Granholm and Biden’s handpicked EV company went bankrupt. 

The letter also briefly reminds readers that Granholm was in charge of putting Sam Brinton in control of America’s nuclear waste. Made famous for wearing a dress to official functions and being praised as a “queer” leader, Brinton has been accused of stealing women’s luggage during multiple trips on the DOE’s dime. 

In February, Brinton was found to be a thief when Asya Khamsin, who has designed and hand-made her own clothing line for years, said she saw a picture of the Biden appointee wearing a one-of-a-kind dress she had made at a White House function. Khamsin said she had packed the same clothes in a bag that vanished on March 9, 2018, at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

“I saw the images. Those were my custom designs, which were lost in that bag in 2018. He wore my clothes, which was stolen.”

Khamsin added that she had flown to Washington, D.C., to attend an event where she was invited to put her clothing on display. However, the disappearance of her bag prevented her from participating. 

Oh, and of course, Granholm has been sending millions of dollars to companies controlled by communist China, as well. 

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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