[U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Biden Cabinet Member Faces Impeachment

One of Biden’s closest and allegedly corrupt advisers has had articles of impeachment filed against him. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, has recently introduced a resolution to remove Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security. The bill accuses the Biden administration official of high crimes and misdemeanors due to his failure to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border.

“Enough is enough. We can’t wait anymore in Washington D.C.,” Green said on the steps of the Capitol building after filing a resolution to impeach Mayorkas, according to USA Today

The Georgia Republican introduced the resolution as privileged, which means the House will have to take up the bill on the House floor within two legislative days. Lawmakers could move to block the resolution – known as a motion to table – to avoid having to take a formal vote on the effort.

Greene said Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, who represents a border district, supports the resolution and will be working with her to try to build support among Republican members to impeach Mayorkas. She called House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., Thursday morning to give notice of her impeachment push but failed to get in touch with him, Greene added.

“I hope (Johnson) supports it,” Greene said. “I think everyone in our conference and I would hope Democrats as well would support impeaching someone that is breaking the law through his job and breaking his oath of office.”

Greene’s resolution brings forth a single charge, accusing Mayorkas of breaching his constitutional duties since taking office in February 2021. The Georgia congresswoman submitted the motion as a privileged resolution, compelling GOP leadership to schedule a vote within two legislative days. With the House in recess until Monday, the earliest the bill might be voted on is next week.

The Washington Examiner reports that “Greene cites a number of federal statutes in the resolution such as the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which requires Mayorkas to maintain operational control of the border, and the Guarantee Clause, which requires him to “protect each of the States from invasion.” The Georgia Republican cited reports that show more than 10 million illegal immigrants have come into the country during his tenure, including the admittance of “terrorists, human traffickers, drugs, and other contraband.”

The 10 million number referenced in the resolution combines 8 million encounters at the southern border with another 1.8 million “gotaways,” or immigrants who managed to evade U.S. border officials and remain in the country to this day. The remaining number of immigrants includes individuals from Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, and other countries.

The resolution also accuses Mayorkas of failing to stop the flow of fentanyl across the southern border, citing reports that Customs and Border Protection seized approximately 11,200 pounds of fentanyl during fiscal 2021 and another 14,700 pounds the following year.”

The bill cites that “In fiscal year 2021, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) seized approximately 11.2 thousand pounds of fentanyl. In fiscal year 2022, CBP seized a record of approximately 14.7 thousand pounds of fentanyl. In fiscal year 2023, thus far, CBP has seized almost 14 thousand pounds of fentanyl. Over 70,000 Americans died from fentanyl in fiscal year 2022. Fentanyl is now the number one killer of Americans between the ages of 18 and 45.”

Greene also noted, “The Constitution also requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to observe the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.). This law requires Homeland Security to detain inadmissible aliens arriving in the United States or illegal aliens presently in the United States. Instead, the Department of Homeland Security, under Secretary Mayorkas, has practiced catch and release policies, whereby illegals are detained, but then released, without any mechanism to ensure they show up to court for processing.”

Surprisingly, the impeachment resolution did not mention that Secretary Mayorkas has been accused of participating in a cover up to protect President Biden’s son, Hunter. 

In September, House Oversight Chairman James Comer stated that the Department of Homeland Security was obstructing and investigation into Hunter Biden, directing Secret Service officers not to cooperate with the congressional investigations into Hunter Biden’s alleged many wrongdoings. 

At the heart of the issue was whether or not Mayorkas was complicit in the Department of Homeland Security tipping off the Biden clan that investigators were planning to interview them. 

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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