[U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Border Crisis Continues Growing As Big City Mayors Beg For Help

Immigration, or rather, illegal immigration, has become such an issue for mayors in some of the biggest liberal cities that earlier in the week, the mayors of Chicago, New. York, and Denver, met discuss the migrant crisis each is facing.

CBS News reported that “Mayor Brandon Johnson on Wednesday said Chicago is almost at capacity with migrants, even as more asylum seekers were making their way to the suburbs and other towns and villages in the area.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston both said they will take a page from Chicago’s book, as the leaders of those cities likewise said they are at a tipping point.

Not only are they running out of housing and resources, but they are still dealing with unannounced buses arriving every single day – and more expected to come.”

“All of our cities have reached a point where we are either close to capacity, or nearly out of room,” Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said. 

While the three Democrats have begged the federal government for help, and blamed Texas Governor Greg Abbott for helping the migrants entering his state go to their stated destinations of big, “blue” cities, one move none of them wlil allow is the removal of their respective city’s status as a “sanctuary city.” 

Although Mayor Johnson, for example, is one of the loudest in complaining about migration to the Windy City, he recently shut down a move to help federal agencies deal with the surge in illegal immigration. 

Earlier in the month, a local Chicago news outlet noted, ” A referendum on the city’s sanctuary city status was roundly defeated in the Chicago City Council….After public comment, a majority of the City Council voted not to suspend the rules to allow the motion on the sanctuary city referendum to move forward.

While asylum seekers continue to come to Chicago from Texas, in a move seen by some as an effort to embarrass or overburden sanctuary cities like Chicago, the fight to let voters weigh in on the sanctuary policy was shut down.

During a special city council meeting to put a non-binding referendum on the ballot, the mayor and his allies used a procedural move to prevent a vote on the referendum itself.”

For decades, illegal immigration was an issue that conservatives mostly focused on, under Biden, who has seen illegal border crossings reach crisis levels, even CNN has reported that the issue is on the top of the mind of the electorate. 

Under Joe Biden, illegal immigration has reached crisis levels never before seen. 

Bill Melugin, who has been on top of the border crisis for over a year recently noted, “We are now at over 760,000 migrant encounters since October 1st, making the first quarter of fiscal year 2024 also the highest ever recorded. That’s a population size bigger than Seattle’s in just three months.” 

For the first time potentially ever, official encounters by border agents at the southern border have risen above the number of babies born in the United States. 

Things are also about to get worse. According to The New York Post, “A fresh wave of up to 15,000 migrants is set to crash into the already flooded US southern border as Secretary of State Antony Blinken prepares for a dire state visit to Mexico later this week.

Hailing mostly from Cuba, Haiti and Honduras, the newly formed caravan of about 8,000 asylum-seekers began its march through Mexico to the border days before Blinken’s meeting with Mexican President Andres Lopez Manuel Obrador to discuss surging illegal immigration.

Defiant radical migrant-rights activist Luis Garcia Villagran, who is accompanying the group, predicted that staggering number could swell to 15,000 people by the time it reaches the border.”

“We won’t stop — we’ll keep walking,’’ Villagran told the media.

The caravan’s journey towards the United States begins as Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and White House homeland security advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall traveled to Mexico City to discuss the “unprecedented irregular migration in the Western Hemisphere and identify ways Mexico and the United States will address border security challenges” with Mexico’s president, The State Department announced

According to the department’s press secretary, “Secretary Blinken will reaffirm the United States’ commitment to the Los Angeles Declaration for Migration and Protection, and underscore the urgent need for lawful pathways and additional enforcement actions by partners throughout the region.”

While Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the US delegation may have disagreements, one thing they all support is attacking the state of Texas and its new law that will allow local officials to arrest illegal immigrants. 

On Tuesday, Obrador “said his government was preparing to challenge a new Texas law allowing state law enforcement to arrest suspected migrants, which he called ‘inhumane.'”

On the American side, Biden, like Chicago’s mayor, showed that while it says one thing about immigration, it does the exact opposite. The White House recently signaled its intention to sue the Lonestar State for enforcing laws that the president refuses to follow. 

CBS News wrote, “The Biden administration on Thursday warned Texas that it will sue the state if it implements a strict immigration law known as SB4 that would empower state and local law enforcement officials to arrest, jail and prosecute migrants suspected of entering the U.S. unlawfully.

The Justice Department said it would file a lawsuit against SB4 if Texas did not assure federal officials by Jan. 3 that the state would refrain from enforcing the law as planned in March, according to a letter sent to Gov. Greg Abbott on Dec. 28 and obtained by CBS News. In addition to creating illegal entry crimes at the state level, the law would allow Texas judges to issue de facto deportation orders.

In its letter, the Justice Department said SB4 would effectively criminalize actions that are already illegal at the federal level, undermine relations with Mexico and prevent officials from enforcing federal immigration laws, including those designed to grant refuge to migrants fleeing persecution.” 

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called the growing crisis happening at the southern border “not unusual” during a press conference last week.

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

[Read More: Trump Playing Right Into Biden’s Hands]