[Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Biden Abandons Close Ally, Hostages Held By Terrorists

Joe Biden has become so concerned about his leftwing base, particularly in the swing state of Michigan, that he is now willing to abandon Americans held hostage by a terrorist group along with one of the country’s closest allies. 

Today, the often anti-Israel United Nations Security Council passed a resolution calling for a “ceasefire” in the war between Hamas and Israel, which began after the terrorist organization murdered over a 1,000 Israelis and captured over 200 hostages. 

The United States could veto the measure but instead took the coward’s path and merely abstained. 

The passage of the resolution, led and presented by the non-permanent members of the United Nations’ most powerful body, comes after a series of resolutions addressing the Israel-Hamas war failed because of vetoes from the United States, China and Russia because of disagreements over the phrasing of calls for a cease-fire, writes Politico.

The decision of the U.S. to abstain, rather than veto the resolution, is also Washington’s sharpest action to date at the United Nations against its ally. It also came ahead of an expected trip from top advisers to Netanyahu and Israeli government officials to Washington, as Israel and the U.S. find themselves at odds over a looming invasion of the southern Gazan city of Rafah.

The resolution as passed calls for a “lasting sustainable ceasefire” — language that echoes that of a U.S. resolution proposed last week that Russia and China vetoed because they argued it was not specific enough and gave Israel too much room for interpretation. The resolution also did not include a condemnation of Hamas and did not link as strongly a cease-fire with the release of hostages — both items the U.S. had wanted.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the resolution that passed fell short of Washington’s goals, noting that “certain key edits were ignored, including our requests to add a condemnation of Hamas. And we did not agree with everything in the resolution.” Still, she observed, “we fully support some of the critical objectives in this non-binding resolution. And we believe it was important for the council to speak out and make clear that any cease-fire must come with the release of all hostages.”

In February, Hamas rejected a ceasefire and stated that it will not release hostages unless they are allowed to remain in power.

Facing pressure from “The Squad” in Congress, Biden has slowly tried to shift away from his support of Israel’s right to defend itself while trying to rescue the hostages. 

In December, for example, the president excluded “several family members of US citizens believed to have been taken hostage by Hamas had asked to attend a Hanukkah reception at the White House,” fearful of facing anger from the Democratic base, a group of people who cannot explain why they hate Israel, they just know they do, as revealed in an interview with their leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

She has also argued that the hostages do not need to be returned:

Antisemitism has risen dramatically among young liberals. “The Times of Israel reported that “one-fifth of US citizens between the ages of 18 and 29 believe that the Holocaust is a myth, according to a new poll from the Economist/YouGov.

In response to the statement “The Holocaust is a myth,” 20 percent of participants between the ages of 18 and 29 said that they agreed with it, and an additional 30% said that they did not agree or disagree.

In comparison, 8% of people between the ages of 30-44 agreed with the statement, as did 2% of people aged 45-64. However, of those over the age of 65 who were surveyed, 0% agreed with the statement and just 2% said that they neither agreed nor disagreed.”

That same month, the White House had egg on its face when one of the leaders of its closest allies who was put on Biden’s National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia was found to have celebrated the terrorist attacks last October. 

During a conference in November, Council on American-Islamic Relations Executive Director Nihad Awad claimed that the rape and murder of innocent children was akin to “breaking the walls of the concentration camp.” 

Yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land and walk free into their land that they were not allowed to walk in,” Council on American-Islamic Relations Executive Director Nihad Awad said at a November conference hosted by American Muslims for Palestine. Audience members cheered Awad’s remarks, according to Jewish Insider.

Awad characterized the Oct. 7 attack as “self-defense,” which he said Palestinians have a right to — while Israelis do not.

The White House worked to scrub any mention of their connection and support for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  

CNN reported that Biden’s move at the UN “prompted Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel a scheduled trip to the US by two of his top advisers, two Israeli officials said.

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan criticized the Security Council for passing a resolution calling for a ceasefire ‘without conditioning it on the release of the hostages.’

‘It undermines the efforts to secure their release,’ he said at the United Nations.”

America’s ally clarified they have no intention to stop attacking Hamas, which has the stated goal of wiping Israel off the map

“The state of Israel will not cease fire,” Israel Katz, Israel’s minister of foreign affairs, said on Twitter. “We will destroy Hamas and continue to fight until the last of the hostages returns home.”

The administration insists that it’s not changed its stance on the current war, but it’s clear what their moves are all about: 

Biden’s move is almost certainly tied to his struggle in Michigan where Rep. Rashida Tlaib has led a revolt against her party’s president. Tlaib has been compared to QAnon conspiracy theorists based on her comments about Israel. 

“Former President Trump topped President Biden by 8 points among Michigan registered voters in a poll of a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 election.

The CNN poll released Friday found 50 percent of voters say they would support Trump if the presidential election were held today, and 42 percent would support Biden. Five percent say they would support somebody else, and 2 percent say they don’t plan to vote,” according to The Hill.

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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