[The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Hunters Shady Transactions Revealed To Congress

The Biden White House has run out of time to hide Hunter Biden’s suspicious bank dealings. Fox News reported, “The Treasury Department is giving the House Oversight Committee access to suspicious activity reports (SARs) related to Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s foreign business deals, Chairman James Comer said Tuesday.

Comer, R-Ky., wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in January, requesting information about the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions flagged by U.S. banks. This week, the agency told the committee it will provide lawmakers with “in camera access” to the requested SARs.

“After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions,” Comer said. “It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request.”

Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation since 2018 for his tax affairs – an investigation that was predicated, in part, by suspicious activity reports on some foreign transactions. Those SARs involved funds from “China and other foreign nations,” sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News in 2020.”

Law professor Jonathan Turley explained why this news is a big deal. “or years, members of Congress have asked for access to suspicious activity reports (SARs) related to the Biden family’s foreign business deals. Those efforts were cut off by the Biden Administration and the Democratically controlled houses of Congress. Even after the GOP took over the House, however, the Treasury Department continued to refuse to turn over the SARs. While the GOP had to threaten hearings with Treasury officials, the department has finally relented. It now appears that time is up for Hunter Biden on the SARs fight and it could finally answer a number of questions over the alleged influence peddling of the Biden family. It may also put pressure on the Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who is looking into possible criminal conduct by Hunter Biden.

I previously wrote about how few people in Washington are eager to expose the influence peddling by the Biden family. Influence peddling is the cottage industry of Washington. However, even by the corrupt standards of this city, the Bidens took influence peddling to an unprecedented level in raking in millions from foreign interests, including some with alleged ties to foreign intelligence.

The least eager group to see these transactions may be the media, which not only buried the Hunter Biden story but has shown remarkable disinterest in these allegations. Indeed, this alleged influence peddling could not have occurred without the assurance that the media had the back of the Bidens. Imagine what the media would have done with even one of these deals with foreign political or influence figures if a Trump child was the recipient. The genius of the Biden influence peddling operation was to make the media an early and active participant. They became invested in the denial over two years of belittling or dismissing the story.

The SARs are relevant to the scope of the alleged influence peddling. It could also supply added evidence of possible criminal charges over tax crimes as well as unlawful work as a foreign agent. There are also possible allegations of evading financial rules, false statements, and even money laundering.”

While we don’t know what the SARs will ultimately reveal, the Biden White House is clearly worried about them. The actions it took to prevent Congress from oversight of Biden Family corruption certainly implies that Hunter, and potentially Joe’s brother, James, will not like what the Congressional Oversight Committee finds. Turley concluded, “We will now have access to hard data on the dates, amounts, senders, and recipients of money transfers. That will reduce the speculation over the alleged influence peddling efforts and allow for a fuller understanding of what occurred in the Biden family business.”

Republicans in the House are tired of the games.

“For the past two years, the Biden Administration and Big Tech worked overtime to hide information about the Biden family’s suspicious business schemes and Joe Biden’s involvement. Now that Democrats no longer have one-party rule in Washington, oversight and accountability are coming. For years, the Biden family peddled influence and access around the world for profit, often at the expense of our nation’s interests. The American people must know the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s shady business deals and if these deals threaten national security and his decision-making as president. This investigation is a top priority for House Republicans during the 118th Congress. The investigation will inform legislative solutions to protect Americans’ First Amendment right to freedom of speech and press and prevent public officials and their family members from using public office to enrich themselves,” said Chairman Comer.

The chairman stated that “more than 150 of Hunter Biden and the Biden network’s international business transactions have generated suspicious activity reports (SARs) by U.S. banks for further review by the Treasury Department to determine if there is illegal activity or a threat to national security. The Treasury Department’s longstanding practice was to provide these reports to Congress, but the Biden Administration has restricted access to them, raising questions about a possible effort to hide the Biden network’s suspicious business dealings. Last Congress, then-Ranking Member Comer repeatedly requested the Biden family and their associates’ SARs, but Biden’s Treasury Department refused to provide the requested information.”

“The news come after Representative Jamie Raskin, ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, revealed Monday that the panel had subpoenaed Bank of America for financial records related to three Biden associates who were involved with the family’s joint venture with CEFC, the now-defunct Chinese energy firm,” according to The National Review.

“Hunter and James Biden were paid $4.8 million by CEFC in 2017 and 2018, according to the Washington Post, and their partner on the deal, Tony Bobulinski, says 10 percent of profits in the nascent venture were reserved for Joe Biden.

In addition to his work with CEFC, Hunter also founded the Chinese state-backed investment firm BHR Partners in 2013. Weeks later, Hunter joined his father on an Air Force 2 flight to China, where he introduced the then-vice president to BHR CEO Jonathan Li, whose children Biden later wrote college recommendations for.”

In February, media reports revealed a plan by Hunter and his allies to use his father’s power to attack his enemies. With Republicans holding the House of Representatives, it will be more difficult for the White House to coverup Hunter’s alleged crimes. That Comer and his committee ended up with the SARs is a good start to learning how the president’s son has undermined national security, and even the president himself. 

This article originally appeared on New Conservative Post. Used with Permission.

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